Sister Wives

Sister Wives: 10 Times Villain Robyn Brown Threw Shade At Kody & Other Brown Family Members

image of Robyn Brown from sister wives looking angry in black jacket

Since joining the Brown family, Sister Wives star Robyn Brown has said a lot of terrible things, and here are ten of the worst things she ever said. By the time Robyn married Kody Brown, he already had three wives and 12 children. They all lived under the same roof, in a home designed for a polygamist family, with each wife having her own wing. When Robyn and her three children from her first marriage were added to the mix, the entire family dynamic changed. Complicating matters, the family moved out of their Utah home, and into multiple separate homes for the first time in their lives. The unscripted series, which was intended to offer the image of a functional polygamist family, ended up chronicling the dissolution of the Browns. The family’s downfall has been so dramatic.

Though there were so many reasons why the large family fractured and then fell apart, Kody taking a fourth wife and adopting her three children was the main trigger. After having a few more children, Kody had 18 children in total, and with so many people wanting his time, there was never enough of him to go around. His children weren’t the only family members disappointed by Kody, as several of his wives felt neglected as well. Considering all the festering resentment, it wasn’t a surprise when, one by one, Kody’s first three wives walked away from him, leaving him in an accidentally monogamous relationship with Robyn. Robyn wasn’t exactly innocent in Kody’s three divorces, often saying terrible things to (and about) her family. Read on for ten of the worst things Robyn ever said.

10. Robyn Accused Kody Of Sabotaging Their Marriage

They’re Both Saboteurs

With Sister Wives season 19 on the horizon, TLC released a trailer for the upcoming season on YouTube. During the two-minute trailer, Robyn also accused Kody of sabotaging their marriage. It remains to be seen exactly what she meant, but it’s not the first time Robyn has accused Kody of sabotage. For his part, Kody presents himself in all his glory during the trailer, and he comes off as angry, bitter, and even cruel. As can be expected, the Sister Wives patriarch clearly takes no responsibility for his multiple failed marriages, blaming it all on his wives. This shows Kody’s signature low self-awareness – everyone else is the problem.

9. Robyn Kissed Kody And Kept It A Secret

Kiss And Don’t Tell

Sister Wives Robyn & Kody kissing with montage in background red and teal filtered background

During a Sister Wives season 18 episode, Christine talked about being upset when Kody kissed Robyn before the wedding, which was against Brown family dating rules. Before courting Robyn, Kody and his wives had a rule against intimacy before marriage, which banned kissing. Robyn, who expressed guilt about the kiss, said, “He kissed me, and I was like ‘All right, well, it’s done.'”

Though Robyn was quick to blame Kody for making the move on her, she had the power to stop him, but she clearly kissed him back. The fact that Robyn was willing to break her fellow sister wives’ intimacy rules was a harbinger of things to come, as Robyn would continue to act as if the rules didn’t apply to her. It would also not be the last time that Robyn blamed her questionable behavior on Kody in order to escape accountability.

8.Robyn Claimed To “Speak Kody”

And Demanded Priority Seating During Family Meetings

Sister Wives Kody and Robyn Brown with Robyn crying and Kody looking upset in side by side images

It was undeniable that Kody and Robyn had a special bond, and Robyn never missed an opportunity to humbly brag about that bond to the rest of the family. One example is how Robyn would always claim to “speak Kody,”implying that she was better at understanding her husband than the rest of the family.

In that same vein, since Kody married Robyn, it was impossible not to notice that she always sat next to him during family meetings. This has led to speculation that Robyn has insisted on sitting next to Kody. This was likely because Robyn was insecure about her position as the fourth wife, and so she wanted Kody to make a point by sitting right next to her.

7. Robyn Fat Shamed Her Sister Wives

She Is Not Body Positive

 sister wives - a montage of Robyn with Meri, Janelle and Christine in the background

During the Sister Wives season 17 Tell-All episode, Robyn talked about Christine and Janelle’s bodies in a very troubling way. While mounting a defense of Kody, Robyn accused his ex-wives of “nagging” and said that when she joined the Brown family, she immediately saw all of Kody’s spouses’ “stretch marks” and “weight gain.” She was trying to make a point about Kody loving his wives despite all their physical flaws, but the comment came off terribly and made her look bad.

Making matters worse, Robyn also insisted that although plural marriages are hard to maintain, the other wives should have gotten off their “butts” and fought harder to work it out with Kody. Robyn’s remarks are especially off-putting because she implied that Kody was a good man for having relationships with his wives despite their fluctuating weights. There’s nothing wrong with the fact that his wives developed stretch marks while carrying his children, and blaming the wives for their issues with Kody said a lot about Robyn.

6. Robyn’s Wedding Dress Betrayal

A Bonding Moment Gone Wrong

Robyn Brown Kody Brown Sister Wives at their wedding

During an early Sister Wives season 1 episode, Robyn took her future sister wives to help her pick out her wedding dress, in a beautiful bonding experience that brought the women together. Meri, Janelle and Christine were touched by Robyn’s desire to include them, especially Meri and Janelle, who both recalled how standoffish Christine was about including them at her wedding. The good feelings were later dashed when it was revealed Robyn went back to the dress shop with Kody to pick out a different dress. Meri, Janelle, and Christine were shocked by the revelation as the incident set the stage for Robyn’s relationships with her sister wives.

5. Robyn Made Kody Be Nice To Meri

She Humiliated Merisister wives' image of meri with robyn brown behind her

Over the years, Kody grew more and more distant from his first three wives, but none more so than his first wife, Meri. While he seemed to be attracted to Christine, and have a close bond with Janelle, he seemed completely uninterested in Meri, who he neglected more as time went on. During a Brown family barbecue, Kody appeared to act out of kindness when he made a S’mores treat for Meri. Since Kody had been neglecting her for many years at that point, the small gesture went a long way for Meri. Unfortunately, Meri shared that she overheard Robyn telling Kody to make a S’mores for her. While Meri was still happy that Kody went along with Robyn’s request, it also left the first wife feeling uncomfortable and unloved.

4. Robyn Blamed The Nanny

She Was Just Looking For An ExcuseSister Wives Robyn, Kody and Garrison montage with robyn crying

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Browns were quarantined in four separate homes, and Kody would go back and forth between them. The separation hurt the already strained family, so when Ariella Brown’s fifth birthday rolled around, the family decided to finally get together. They were careful to dutifully test beforehand, and carefully followed CDC guidelines. The birthday party took place during Sister Wives season 16, and for a moment, it felt like the troubled family had turned a dark corner and would reunite.

Days later, Robyn told the family that they had all been exposed to the virus, which Robyn blamed on her nanny. Since Robyn and Kody didn’t want to risk another exposure, that was the last time the Brown family got together. There has been speculation that the nanny never exposed the Browns to COVID-19 and that Kody and Robyn just wanted an excuse to spend less time with the family.

3. Robyn’s Children Didn’t Attend Garrison’s Funeral

They Weren’t In Any Photos

Photo by janellebrown117 on March 30, 2024.

In March 2024, the cast of Sister Wives was shocked by the death of 25-year-old Garrison Brown, who was Kody’s son with his second wife, Janelle. Several weeks after news broke of Garrison’s death, Janelle posted a carousel of Instagram photos from Garrison’s military memorial service. Many of the Browns are recognizable in the photos from the event, including Robyn and all of Kody’s ex-wives. Though Garrison’s siblings are visible, all of Robyn’s five children appear to be absent.

There was also a Brown family funeral for Garrison, which Robyn’s children likely attended. Robyn often complains that her children aren’t treated like equal siblings by the other Browns, but perhaps that’s because they don’t show up for the important moments.

2. Robyn Accused The Family Of Ghosting Her Children

It Wasn’t What She Had Imagined

Sister Wives' Robyn Brown crying montage green filtered background

When Robyn married Kody in 2010, her three children from her first marriage, Dayton, Aurora and Breanna, were all under ten years of age. In 2014, Kody divorced Meri Brown, his first wife, so he could legally marry Robyn and adopt her children. Dayton, Aurora, and Breanna eventually changed their last names from Jesop to Brown. Though they were embraced by their new family, Robyn’s children didn’t grow up with the rest of the Browns, so they weren’t as bonded.

This was extremely disappointing for Robyn, because she had dreamed that her children would grow up alongside the Brown children as equal siblings. This was probably an unrealistic expectation in the first place, but that hasn’t stopped Robyn from crying about it.

1. Robyn Said Kody Wasn’t Enough

She Wanted Sister Wives

Sister Wives Kody, Janelle, Christine, Meri, and Robyn Brown with children for family promo shot

Robyn was always open about the fact that she didn’t marry Kody just to be with Kody, but because she wanted the whole plural family experience. That may have been what Robyn wanted, but that’s not how things turned out. She has no one to blame but herself and Kody as they both drove his first three wives away. Though she may have wanted to be a fourth wife when she joined the cast of Sister Wives, Robyn and Kody are monogamous now, and her marriage is not all she thought it would be. Robyn has made it clear that she wanted more than just Kody, so, with Sister Wives season 19 on the horizon, it may be just a matter of time before Robyn follows Christine, Janelle and Meri out the door. However, it’s still up in the air.

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